Meetings and Minutes

Tuesday 19th November at 6.30pm
Tuesday 10th December at 6.30pm

Seven Start Falmouth
The Vicars Room, in the back room

Open to all. Come and hear the about the latest cycle/walk schemes in the local area and the impact we are having.

We are making the final plans for the upcoming Mass Ride on September 21st. We need some volunteers to help out on the day and with the planning.

We’ll update on the upcoming Active Travel Conference in Truro.

Next social ride
23rd November at 4pm on the Moor and 3pm at the Pier Cafe for a cuppa beforehand. National Road Safety Week

Christmas Festive Social Ride – 14th December – as above
*Please check the Facebook page for up to date details as we might have a route change nearer the time

2025 – We’re in the process of arranging another MASS ride to coincide with International Women’s Day – details to follow