Falmouth and Penryn Cycling Campaign Meetings
Regular meeting 7.30pm 13/01/2021 – Minutes
Present: Dean, Sinead, Phil, Hamish, Tom, Tamsyn, David,
Apologies: Amanda, Calum
Cycle infrastructure plans update
Bickland Water Road. The scheme is a two way cycle path on the west (Budock) side, fromTreveglos Rd to Union Corner.
13/01 – Waiting for further plans – no date yet for next meeting
Action: Feedback to Phil Conroy.
Tregoniggie Woods. Plans to widen path through woods to allow shared use.
F&PCC have sent response to Tregonigge Wood scheme and made contact with ‘Friends’ group.
Active Travel Fund. Falmouth Town Centre scheme going ahead. Plans to be presented to Town Council early 2021. Consultation to follow.
Local Engagement
Schools: Follow up survey idea starting with College/Secondary Schools (Tamsyn works at Penryn College).
Action: Sinead/Tamsyn to progress school survey idea. Also make contact with Nick Ratcliffe to support.
Visioning Project. Possible use of Cornwall Council “Let’s Talk” tool to promote & gain feedback
Possible route through Glasney Valley would avoid hill in Penryn. Discuss Visioning at next meeting.
Action: Tamsyn to advise whether “Let’s Talk” could be funded.
20mph Zones. Dean has mapped 20mph zones around Falmouth. Jayne added CC policy on 20 mph limits.
Greenpeace Community Day. Planned for Feb Half Term
Action: Tom to advise if it goes ahead.
Organisational Administration
Website is Live!
Add Link to FB Page
Press release is ready to go.
Action: Dean to add link to FB page. All to register with Website.
Date of next meeting: Weds 27th Jan 7:30pm.