by Dean Evans | Dec 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Members of the Falmouth & Penryn Cycling Campaign were invited to stakeholder groups set up to discuss the drafting of a LCWIP for Falmouth and Penryn. The draft plan is now complete and will be published shortly.
by Dean Evans | Mar 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
Present: Calum, Bec, David, Sinead, Phil, Sarah (Truro CC), Ben,Laura, TamsynApologies: Jayne Developing a vision for Liveable Streets in Falmouth and Penryn Sarah from Truro CC explained their process for mapping:Dynamics: Flows in and out commuting.Traffic flow data...
by Dean Evans | Feb 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
Present: Dean, Phil, Jane, DavidApologies: Amanda, SineadCycle infrastructure plans update. Bickland Water Road: Treveglos Rd to Union Corner, the scheme is a two way cycle path on the west (Budock) side. Waiting for further plans and date of next meeting. Feedback to...
by Dean Evans | Jan 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
Falmouth and Penryn Cycling Campaign MeetingsRegular meeting 7.30pm 13/01/2021 – MinutesPresent: Dean, Sinead, Phil, Hamish, Tom, Tamsyn, David,Apologies: Amanda, Calum Cycle infrastructure plans updateBickland Water Road. The scheme is a two way cycle path on the...