Present: Calum, Bec, David, Sinead, Phil, Sarah (Truro CC), Ben,
Laura, Tamsyn
Apologies: Jayne

Developing a vision for Liveable Streets in Falmouth and Penryn

Sarah from Truro CC explained their process for mapping:
Dynamics: Flows in and out commuting.
Traffic flow data (Cormac) hard to get hold of.
Identifying key residential areas, locations (schools, businesses, parks, industrial estates)
Produced a schematic ‘tube’ network of Truro – line diagram between key locations. Then more detailed maps using the road infrastructure.
Yet to include how busy, feasibility, and prioritise.
Use key government documents.
But how does the local transport note relate to small towns like ours?
No detailed work on city centre as yet.
They have not consulted wider residents/anyone.

FPCC Mapping
Discussion of mapping tools – agreement that we need clear objectives to determine tools for different project stages.
Let’s Talk Cornwall – waiting on response from Derk Van der Wardt

Action: Mapping methodology – Phil
Action: Statement of project intention – Calum”
Action: Group to identify objectives and evaluate different mapping options (Mural, Widen my Path ( ), Google, Propensity to Cycle tool). Tamsyn, Calum & Bec, David.

Cycle infrastructure plans update

Falmouth town centre scheme
Update: Pedestrianise Superdrug to Trago. Concerns about cyclist-pedestrian conflict. Options for 2-way cycling. Some buses are still going through. Cycling needed for funding to come good.FPCC Position: We are in favour of cycling along the high street once it is pedestrianised. No firm position on two-way or shared space. Underline the necessity for access for those with access requirements.

Action: Dean to continue to represent the FPCC in consultation based on our shared position.

Local Engagement

Schools – no update


Penryn transport pool (Bec)
Potential project to collect travel flow data and identify flow ‘drivers’.
Pilot for electric bike hire scheme. Talking to co-bikes. Potentially get some to test.
Understand our constituency in Penryn. We could poll our members.
Action: Bec to decide if he wants to run the e-bike hire scheme lobbying through FPCC.

Next meeting: Weds 10th March 7pm