Present: Dean, Phil, Jane, David
Apologies: Amanda, Sinead

Cycle infrastructure plans update.

Bickland Water Road: Treveglos Rd to Union Corner, the scheme is a two way cycle path on the west (Budock) side. Waiting for further plans and date of next meeting. Feedback to Phil Conroy.
Tregoniggie Woods: Plans to widen path through woods to allow shared use.
F&PCC have sent response to the consultation – awaiting feedback which is due 3rd Feb.
Dean and Calum met with Friends of Tregonigge Woods group and agreed a joint statement.
Active Travel Fund: Falmouth town centre going ahead. Plans to be presented to Town Council early 2021. Consultation to follow.

Local Engagement

Schools: Follow up survey idea starting with College/Secondary Schools (Tamsyn works at Penryn College). Action. Sinead & Tamsyn to progress school survey idea. Also make contact with Nick Ratcliffe to support.
Visioning Project
Possible use of Cornwall Council Let’s Talk tool to promote & gain feedback
Next meeting to be dedicated to visioning. Action: Tamsyn to advise whether Let’s Talk could be funded (David to progress).
Greenpeace Community Day: Planned for Feb Half Term 15th -19th. Planned route around Falmouth Being promoted.
Organisational Administration: Website is Live!; Twitter account is Live! Press release is ready to go. Action. Dean to add link to Facebook page.


Next meeting: Weds 10th Feb 7:30pm
Focus will be Visioning – Agenda to be issued.